The Worker Swift where to start.
I love this blaster and man it brings the power but there are a couple issues but let's talk about the good first. out of the box this blaster was super easy to put together. It arrived in a nice box and came in two parts that slid together very easily. The air seal wasn't the best (still amazing !!!)but it came with replacement O-rings that fixed that up(I used the red ones). the ability to change barrels and springs is unmatched and the heaviest spring still available including the longest barrel hit 280 with a new dart. From 40 feet away left a welt on my back for a week and a half. i was able to hit a human shaped target from about a hundred feet using the included scar barrel. Now onto the bad. The Swift in my experience is very particular about what kind of dart goes through it. The new darts that come with it fire extremely well but almost any imperfection in the dart will cause the dart to either get stuck in a longer barrel or fall out 5 feet in front of the barrel. With all of my testing (not very thorough) it seems like only darts that are in almost undamaged condition will work best and anything that is slightly misshapen will jam or perform poorly. Overall I love the blaster and am happy i got my hands on it but in my opinion it is better suited for outdoor gameplay with higher fps caps.